You have to get a scope from the top of the tower in Saffron city then go to the tower in Lavender town and then you need to use it to see the ghosts are Pokemon. then use a pokeball to catch them.
You can't catch one in Pokemon Emerald.
you find gastly in the Burned Tower and the Sprout Tower
it evolves at lvl 9001
Evolve a gastly that you can catch in the sprout tower
just catch a gastly in the tower before the first gym and level him til he evolves
You can't catch one in Pokemon Emerald.
you find gastly in the Burned Tower and the Sprout Tower
it evolves at lvl 9001
if you find a gastly in lavender tower after you get silph scope you can find a gastly and catch it and it will level up evolve into haunter then level it up and it evolves into gengar! wrong! the correct way is to catch gastly in lavender town in the place with all the graves. then evolve it into haunter (i think at lvl 22, but im not sure) then trade it and it evolves, then you can trade it back and you have gengar.
Evolve a gastly that you can catch in the sprout tower
You catch a ghost pokemon, preferably Gastly, and train it up until it has learnt it.
pet cemetery tower in lavender town after you get the silph scope
You cant catch it. You can catch a gastly, raise it into a haunter. to make it a gengar, you have to trade it and trade it back
just catch a gastly in the tower before the first gym and level him til he evolves
no you can not catch evee in pokemon yellow but someone will give it to you
at night in sprout tower or in route east of Violet city.
you have to go to lavender town, with a silph scope. when you get there go into the Pokemon tower and go to second floor. you can only catch gastly and haunter