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you use a super rode to catch it

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Q: How do you catch febas?
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What route do you catch febas?

You can't catch febas at any route. You can only catch febas at MT.Cornet, by fishing with a super rod but only for rondom time

How you calculte the weight of Rod if you know the size and length of Rod?

it matters by what rod old rod can only catch magickarp and febas febas are hard to catch,good rod can catch a bunch of Pokemon around level 25 too level 30,the super rod can catch a varity of Pokemon to level 45.

Where to catch febas in emerald?

6 random patches of water on route 119. Have fun looking for it =).

How do you catch a febas in Pokemon platinum?

i think it was somewhere deep in that cave west of Oreburg city...

How do you get molitic in Pokemon emerald?

catch a febas, give it gold pokeblocks that raise its beauty, and raise it one more level

How do you catch a Febas quickly on Pokemon emerald?

its only available in like four spots so just keep fishing and eventually you will find it.

Do you find a febas or Milotic in Pokemon white?

yes, you can find febas and milotic in white. i already have febas but i still don't have milotic, according to my pokedex, milotic location is on route 1

Witch rod do you use if you want to catch febas in Pokemon diamond?

Not sure, but I do know that Feebas can only be found on 6 tiles of water in the ocean.

Where do you get febas in emerald?

Route 119.

What is the Pokemon after febas on diamond?


What does a shiny febas look like?


How do you get a Milotic in platinum?

u have to evolve febas