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On route 33, just to the right of Azalea Town, there is a Hiker named Anthony. Fight him if you havn't already and get his phone number. Eventually, he will call and tell you that there are Dunsparce everywhere in Dark Cave. Go to dark cave and walk around where you entered and you can find your Dunsparce.

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Q: How do you catch dunsparce in Pokemon Crystal?
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Is dunsparce a legendary Pokemon?

No. It's just tough to catch.

What Pokemon can you catch in dark cave in Pokemon Gold?

Geodude, Dunsparce, Zubat and some water pokemon.

What is special about the three isle path in three island in Pokemon LeafGreen?

It leads to an area where you can catch wild Dunsparce. That area is the only place in the game where you can catch Dunsparce.

What type of Pokemon is dunsparce?

dunsparce is a normal type. and contrary to popular belief, it has no flying joint type.

What cave is the one you catch dunsparce?

You find Dunsparce in the Dark cave.

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You cant catch Articuno in Pokemon Crystal, only in Blue, Red and Yellow. But i am not sure about that.

Does a dunsparce evolve in Pokemon pearl?

No Dunsparce don't evolve.

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You can only catch Zapdos in Crystal by cheating. otherwise it is not in the game

How do you catch on Pokemon Crystal?

I wouldn't. I'd catch your stupidity.

When does dunsparce evolve in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Dunsparce doesn't have an evolution.So far dunsparce doesn't evolve.

Can you go to johto in Pokemon Diamond?

No. Johto is not an available region in Pokemon FireRed. You can only explore the region of Kanto and the nine islands surrounding it. Currently, only Pokemon Gold, Silver and Crystal are games which explore Johto.