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Q: How do you catch arceus in heat gold?
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How do you catch Arceus in Pokemon Heart Gold?

You can't catch Arceus. You can only catch Arceus in Pokemon Platinum.

How do you catch Arceus in heart gold?

You can't catch Arceus in Pokemon heart gold. You must bet it from Pearl, Daimond, or Platinum.

Where to get arceus in soul silver and heart gold?

you first catch celebi

What game can you catch Arceus in?

You can catch Arceus in Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.

When is the heat gold Arceus event US in 2010?

Any time you have arceus in your HG/SS party and go to the ruins then the event will happen!

What events have to happen to catch Palkia dialga and gritina in heart gold and soul silver?

There is one event and you have to have an arceus but you can only get one of them and they are level 1. It is the Arceus Event.

What is the code you need to catch Arceus?

THERE IS NO CODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go to ToyRus to get the place to catch arceus

Glitch to get arceus?

There isn't a glitch to catch Arceus.

How to catch Arceus?

you can't catch Arceus in heart gold and soul silver you have to trade from diamond/pearl or platinum. you need the azure flute and go to the spear pillar then the hall of origin. (to get the azure flute you need the event or a cheat code)

Where do you catch Arceus in Pokemon heartgold and soulsilver?

you cannot catch arceus but you can get it as a MYSTERY GIFT you from trading with DIAMOND/PEARL/PLATINUM.anyway i hope you enjoy your arceus.

Can you get arceus on heart gold?

Yes and no. Yes because you can receive it through a trade, no because there is no way to catch it, and it is likely that there will be no Nintendo WFC mystery gift event for you to catch it.

Where and how to catch Arceus in pokemon black?

You cannot catch Arceus in Black or White. Arceus was an Event-only Pokemon from the 4th generation and must be transferred over.