you can only find it in route 222. but it may take a while because it is rare.
Route 222 to find them at level 38-40
Luxio evolves into Luxray at level 37.
Luxio evolves into luxray at level 30 in Pokemon SoulSilver. To date luxio has not had different evolution conditions in other pokemon games.
Luxio evolves into a Luxray at level 30.
It is not possible to catch a wild Turtwig on Pokemon Diamond. It is generally impossible to find and catch Starter Pokemon in the wild. This was a mechanic designed to encourage player interaction for trading.
evolve a shinx, which evolves in a luxio, at level 30, that luxio evolves into luxray, you cannot catch him wild
You cannot catch him from the wild. He just evolves from a Shinx.
You can't find a luxio in a city you have to find it outside Iron windworks
Route 222 to find them at level 38-40
You can't directly catch Luxray in HeartGold; you have to evolve Luxio. He can be found in the Safari Zone.
level 30 just catch shinx on lvl 1-5 and train like crazy
meowth,persian,skitty,delcatty,shinx,luxio,luxray,glameow,purugly,purrlion,and liepard.
Shinx evolves into luxio and luxio evolves into luxray.
Luxio is an Electric type pokemon.
Luxio can learn TM25- Thunder.
Luxio evolves into Luxray at level 37.