You cannot catch Rotom in HeartGold or SoulSiver, you must trade it from a Diamond, Pearl or Platinum game.
PS. If you put Rotom at the front of your party, you can go to the basement of Silph Co in Saffron City. If you examine the items, Rotom will change form.
No. You can only catch Rotom once.
There is no specific ball needed to catch Rotom, use whichever ball you want.
No you do not have to use a cheating device such as an Action Replay or a GameShark in order to change Rotom into any of his other forms in Pokemon SoulSilver since there is a way to change it into its various forms in SoulSilver, you will need to place Rotom as your lead Pokemon and then you will need to operate the elevator that can be found in Silph Co. of which can be found in Saffron City in the Kanto region and when the elevator stops you can find the appliances that will allow Rotom to change into Fan Rotom, Frost Rotom, Mow Rotom, Heat Rotom or Wash Rotom.
bring rotom and make sure he is first and go in the elevator and you will see rotom forms
No, you can not catch Phanpy in SoulSilver. It is a version exclusive to HeartGold.
You can get rotom but i dont no how.
after rotom you should have beaten the gameYou have to trade rotom from Pokemon diamond or dont you trade it from platinum diamond or peralYou cannot catch Rotom in SoulSilver. You need to trade from Diamond, Pearl or Platinum.
You cannot capture Rotom is HG or SS. The only way to get one and unlock the special room in Silph Co. is to trade from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.
You can't obtain a Rotom in Pokemon Soul Silver. Instead, you have to trade it from Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, and Rotom appears near the TV in the Old Chateau once you get the National Pokedex in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.
You can't catch Rotom in heartgold.
Rotom is a really weak sort of legendary. You can only get it in Pokemon diamond and pearl. So it is sort of not possible to get it in the wild in soul silver. You can get him in the GTS, if you're lucky. Also if you have a friend that has rotom, rotom can breed with a ditto so you can get a rotom egg. Then you and your friend will both have one.
with a ditto
No. You can only catch Rotom once.
you need rotom
Rotom is not obtainable in heartgold and soulsilver. You have to trade it from Pokemon diamond, pearl, or platinum.theres no rotom on heart gold or soul silver i believeto get one though, trade your friends or use the GTS etc..No, you'll have to trade with the Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum version.
Rotom cannot be found in Pokemon HeartGold or SoulSilver. Rotom must be traded or obtained via an event.
you can'tYou can only get rotom in the sinnoh region games.Or if you have a action replay.