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first you you save the power plant near lavender town and then go to diglett's cave and play the poke Flute on your radio to wake up the snorlax blocking the entrance to diglett's cave(the poke flute is the very top of the radio).then you must battle it,you can kill it or catch it (if you want to complete the pokedex then you should catch it)then go into the cave and you go north(upward in the game)and you'll end up in Pewter City.Then talk to the old man on a small hill,or platform with stairs and he will give you the silver wing.then you go to the whirl islands,go in the top right island and go on the top path and go through the maze(this maze shouldn't be too hard if followed everything correctly so far).There will be a guy blocking you,talk to him,show him the silver wing,then go all the way to the bottom(DO NOT go into other entrances,only the very BOTTOM) lugia will be waiting for you(he will be lv.70 so bring a strong pokemon)he is a psychic and flying type(hint:this only works in heartgold,but if you do the same thing in soulsilver,except the whirl islands part, you get the rainbow wing instead,lugia would be lv.45 and ho-oh will be lv.70 in soulsilver) does this help? =)

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Q: How do you catch Lugia in Pokemon HeartGold?
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How can you catch Lugia in Pokemon pearl?

You can only catch lugia if you migrated it from firered or leafgreen. If you want lugia get one from heartgold or soulsilver version.

Where do you get lugia on HeartGold?

you can catch lugia in whil islands in heartgold

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In Heartgold, you can still catch Lugia, only later in the game.

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Shadow Lugia is not in HeartGold.

Can you catch Lugia on pokemon heartgold?

Yes. In whirl island but you need a special item.

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you need a silver wing

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you need lugia & Ho-oh :-P

What level is lugia on in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Lvl 45 If You Have Soulsilver. If You Catch Him In Heartgold He Is Lvl 70.

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There both the same game but in Heart gold you can catch Ho-oh and in Soul Silver you can catch Lugia. So they both have the same pokemon. If you like the Pokemon Kyogre, you can catch one in Pokemon Heartgold. If you like Groudon, you can catch one in Pokemon Soulsilver.

Where to catch lugia on pokemon dimond?

You can't catch Lugia in Pokémon Diamond, you have to trade it from Pokémon SoulSilver or HeartGold. You can also migrate it from Pokémon Emerald, FireRed, LeafGreen or Pokémon XD

How do you catch a lugia in pokemon pearl?

You can't catch Lugia in Pokémon Pearl. You have to trade it from Pokémon SoulSilver or HeartGold. You can also migrate it from Pokémon Emerald, FireRed, LeafGreen or Pokémon XD

Catch lugia in Pokemon Pearl?

You can't catch Lugia in Pokémon Pearl. You have to trade it from Pokémon SoulSilver or HeartGold. You can also migrate it from Pokémon Emerald, FireRed, LeafGreen or Pokémon XD