

Best Answer

You either have to have an action replay, or migrate it from sapphire.

the code to get kyugre.


94000130 fffb0000

d5000000 0000017e

b21c4d28 00000000

b0000004 00000000

c0000000 0000000b

d7000000 00024620

dc000000 00000006

d2000000 00000000

now you enter the code find so grass and just before you walk into the grass hold the select button and now walk into the grass, kyogre should battle you if not keep trying until he show up.
You cant find kyorge in diamond. There is way to get it, but it costs money. First, get an ar ( action replay ( dsi or ds ) ) There you can cheat to get what you want. My opinion is not to use it, it ruins gameplay and CAN corrupt your game.

To get kyorge a legit way -

1 . Get it from the older games

2. Get the game Pokemon Heart Gold - Much better instead of cheating

The game is also very fun too

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Q: How do you catch Kyogre on Pokemon diamond?
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