weaken it till it's ready for capture. it should limp when weak.then use a shock or pitfall trap to immobilise it and throw tranq bombs to make it fall asleep
You have to be online and have to be elite hunter, a.k.a, hr 31 and up, and have to capture monsters such as the Rathalous, you can get it from pretty much all wyverns, obviously, not Great Jaggi, it is a Birdwyvern, i suggest you hunt gigganox and capture it.
If you mean offline... Complete: Big Game Hunting - Hunt Great Jaggi in Deserted Island Who's the Boss - Capture Great Jaggi in Sandy Plains No Love for Ludroth - Slay 6 Ludroths in Deserted Island The Complete the Urgent Quest: Shakalaka Savior - Save Cha-Cha
You kill/capture the great jaggi. Why does everyone post it as a reward item. Kings frill is a break item. Keep hitting GJ head until you see the frill break apart. Now complete the GJ quest for the reward item.
Hit it's neck till the frills break. I recommend greatsword and attack it in the head. The wide arc of the slash will break those frills easily!
The boses are Great Jaggi, Qurupeco, Royal Ludroth, Barroth, Rathian, Gobul, Great Baggi, Gigginox, Barioth, Uragaan, Rathalos, Diablos, Lagiacrus, Agnaktor, Deviljho, Ceadeus [offline only], Jhen Mohran and Alatreon.The minions are Felyne, Melynx, Aptonoth, Popo, Kelbi, Giggi, Fish, Epioth, Altaroth, Bnahabra, Delex, Rhenoplos, Jaggi, Jaggia, Baggi, Ludroth and Uroktor.
jaggi. Erm no. I find diablos pretty hard, barioth is badass but alatreon wins the show for hardest boss.Actually all of them are really hard so tis game sucks. Depending on what weapons you use the easiest i would say is a Jaggi or a Baggi, the rest are just annoying to fight barroth the most i think with the continuous charging and shaking of the mud. alatreon is ok when you get the hang of it and if you use a lance with guard +2 you would block most of his attacks
Jaggi Singh was born in 1971.
Allen Jaggi was born in 1944.
Steve Jaggi is 5' 9".
Ishank Jaggi was born in 1989.
Steve Jaggi goes by SJ.