log in and go on "my account" then you will see a opition to change your plan. then click on it and cancel plan
You can, by comepleteing offers at freewildcoins.com
There is a site called Freewildcoins.com you can get free wild coins there. They are partners with The Hp Wild games site. this dont work
Yes remove it system restore and reinstall and there you go!
To cancel the mission is to abort the mission.
it's already out it's on http://www.playfirst.com/ and wild tangent.com you get tones of free game and you get 2 timeless sessions for free but when u use the 2 first free ones you have to buy wild coins and you have to register to dowlaoad them but anyway YAY I LOVE WILD TANGENT!
every time you download a new game from wild tangent games you get free wild coins.
you cant but make a wild coins account and youll get a few free.
you don't
you have to get a membership an buy it with your coins
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no you can,t
buy it man hahahaahahahahaha
God of war
Anyone that signs up to play games at the website wild tangent can ask for coins.. People play games and earn wild coins to buy and unlock more levels and character information.
You can, by comepleteing offers at freewildcoins.com
There is a site called Freewildcoins.com you can get free wild coins there. They are partners with The Hp Wild games site. this dont work