go to cash shop, then when you want to buy something you click buy
then it says cash item 90 days
at the bottom theres 2 different payments:
Pay with Maple points
or Pay with NX
You buy it with Nx cash
Pet snack can only be obtained in cash shop.
you need to buy them in the cash shop. To buy it in the cash shop you need to get Nexon cash by using real money.
By buying NX Cash and going into the Nexon Cash Shop. I kindly advise you NOT to buy NX Cash and buy clothes. Because they will expire within a month. Eyes and Hair is perfectly fine.
You buy the permit from the cash shop then double click on it in the FM where you want it. The permit is around 1800 NXCash, the special permit is around 3600 NXCash.
Buy it with nexon cash
Cash Shop
you cam hunt monsters and they drop mesos or you can sell things,but you can not sell cash items
buy from cash shop
Cash Shop
You Go to Cash Shop (CS)
You have to buy it from the Cash Shop
You buy it with Nx cash
You don't.You'll need to use real money for nexon cash.
You can buy it at the cash shop. The cash shop button is on the lower >> side.
Buy a world transfer item from the cash shop, it costs 20k Nexon Cash.
A skunk is a pet you can get in the cash shop. There are also rabbits, monkeys, etc. in the cash shop available as pets.