

Best Answer

1~go to "my Roblox"

2~go to "places"

3~go to Configure"

4~scroll down to "reset place"

5~select the empty baseplate image

6~scroll up and press "back"

7~look at your place, it is empty for YOU to build!

8~also, go to "catalog", "best selling", and then "models" to buy things all FOR FREE to add to ur place

9~have FUN XD

PS~send a friend request to player: Arcticglalian (which is me!)

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Q: How do you build games with builders club on roblox?
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How do you build something in roblox with out the builders club?

You can build anything on ROBLOX, BC is for upgrades, like more active games, daily robux, and BC games, etc.

How can you get lots of profile games in your profile in roblox?

You have to buy Builders Club.

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It is a awsume thing that u can play builders club games

Can you sell cloths on Roblox if you are not in Builders Club?

No, it is not possible to sell cloths on Roblox if you do not have Builders Club.

Is builders club free on roblox?

No, There are Builders Club, Turbo Builders Club and Outrageous Builders Club ~L~

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it is because the person had builders club and lost it with there places active they can remove them but cant reactivate them without builders club

Why is it that on the Roblox category on wikianswers every calls Builders Club VIP?

Most of the time they mean VIP for games, if they say it as in Builders Club they do not know that it's Builders Club and not "VIP."

How you join buliders club in roblox?

You can get Builders Club on ROBLOX for free by following this guide:

Is there a way to hack roblox for free builders club?

No you can't hack ROBLOX Builders Club. >:O

How do you get free turbo builders club on roblox?

You can get Builders Club on ROBLOX for free by following this guide:

Can you get free turbo builders club on roblox?

You can get Builders Club on ROBLOX for free by following this guide:

Where is builders club in ROBLOX?

When you're on the Roblox homepage, there should be a slide that says Builders Club. Click on that. Then, Builders Club costs money, so if a parent gives you permission that you can buy Builders Club, you can buy it.