First you need Sims 2 apartment life. If you have it, this is what you do:
1)Build the apartment of your dreams on a residential lot.
- make sure you have windows, doors, wallpaper and flooring for once you make the lot an apartment you can't change it.
- Make sure there is only on entry/exit to your' apartment. (you can have balconies though!)
- Make sure the doors to you're apartment have mats at the foot of them.
Once you have finished making your apartment, hold down Ctrl + Shift + C and a box will appear at the top of your screen. Type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true then hit enter. Once you've done that, reopen the cheat box and this time type in changelotzoning apartmentbase. If this cheat doesn't work then that means you have done something wrong so keep trying and fiddling around until it works.
Hope this helps :-)
P.S- this is for PC.
The sims 2 apartment life is NOT for PS2.
You can get your sim pregnant in Sims 2 Apartment Life and Sims 2 Double Deluxe.
Apartment Life.
you cannot build a 2 story house on sims 1
Good Question! No you can't, not on ANY ps2 Sims games But if you get Sims 2 Apartment life for PC you can be a good or bad witch!
you have to put furniture in the apartments when you build them.
The sims 2 apartment life is NOT for PS2.
It is! There is also regular Sims 2, Sims 2 Pets, and Sims 2 Apartment Life with Pets!
yes you can in a way. You can buy the sims 2 pets and apartment life and you can put them together by mushing them and there you have it. that's how you get sims 2 pets in sims 2 apartment life.
Yes, the Sims 2 apartment life is an expansion pack for the Sims 2, meaning that the Sims 2 is needed for gameplay.
It's Not A Cheat, Nor Is There One That Does Anything Similar, lol You Go And Buy The "Apartment Life" Expansion Pack, And It Will Let You Build Them.
yes, the sims 2 apartment life is an expansion pack for the sims 2, and therefore you still have all the features of the sims 2. This means you can have kids.
The sims 2 apartment life is rated M sexual references.
Well if you are talking about if it needs the sims 1, the answer is no, but for sims 2 apartment life to work, you do need either the sims 2 (regular), sims2 holiday edition, sims2 deluxe, or sims2 double deluxe!! I hope this helped!!
you'll need the expansion apartment life, or else it's not availble 177
Sims 2 Apartment Life is for PC, but Apartment Pets is only on Nintendo DS as far as I'm concerned.