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That would be with the PS3 and not the PS2

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Q: How do you browse internet in ps2?
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Can you get Internet on you plastation 2?

You can play games against other people over the internet but there is no way to browse the internet on the PS2. If you have a PS2 slim then you can easily hook it up to the internet but if you have an old PS2 then you need to buy a separate network adapter.

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browse the internet

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Internet ExplorerFirefoxChromeSafari

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it can let you browse on the internet

Do you get internent on PS2?

no u don't get Internet on ps2

How do you play svr 09 online for ps2?

You can't connect your ps2 to the internet, and there is no online play on the ps2. It's only the ps3 that you can connect to the internet. WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have my ps2 connected to the internet. BUT U CANT PLAY 09 ONLINE

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Can a tablet PC browse the internet?

Yes. So long as it has a network interface. (Wired or wireless) and the appropriate browser, It can browse the internet.

What do you need to connect to the internet on ps2 in fifa 09?

You can't connect your ps2 to the internet, and there is no online play on the ps2. It's only the ps3 that you can connect to the internet. (CORRECTED) Sorry i do not have the answere but you can put internet on ur ps2 cause why would they brinng out games with net play

Can you browse the Internet without Internet browser?

Yes, use the CLI

Can you browse the internet on Xbox 360?

No, not at this time.

Can you download a PS2 game off the internet and play them on PS2?

The PS2 plays games on discs and burnt games do not work with a the PS2