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I think all you do is let it sleep. then the health will come up

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Q: How do you bring your puffles health up?
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What does the white puffle do?

what white puffles do is that they eat poo and they do for white puffles have no clue of what we do, too. what we do, white puffles have no clue. Hence, the white puffle snows when you bring it for a walk then you dance. i love my white puffle. white puffles are actually slightly smaller than the other puffles! XD -car gem add rooster

How many puffles can you get?

in club penguin you can now get up tp 20 puffles. (2011)

Will the rainbow puffles stay in club penguin?

Yep. The rainbow puffles will even be up for adoption after the party ends.

How many puffles can you own at one time on club penguin?

You can have up to two puffles, if your not a member, and if your a member then you can have as many as you want.

How do you get the prize in case of the missing puffles?

Pick up the photos at the ice rink and give them to aunt arctic before you find the puffles.

Can puffles dress up on Club Penguin?

yes they can but you have to be a member. but unfortunately, they don't have clothes for the puffles. they only have hats and tiaras. sorry.

Who made puffles?

The creators of club penguin and the puffles invented puffles.

How do you put stuff in your backyard on club penguin?

You can't place items in your backyard. The only things that can go in your backyard are your puffles. Whilst your puffles are in your backyard, their stats (energy, health, etc.) all stay the same.

What is the limit for puffles on clubpenguin?

20 puffles for members and 2 puffles for non-members.

Can you turn into a puffle on clubpenguin?

you can not but you can buy up to 12 puffles if you are a member

How do you find aunt arctic puffles on clubpenguin?

U go to the ski hill and u fix the brown puffles telescope and u look through it and u see the puffles. Then go to the sports shop and the answer for g's question is MOGUL. then get the rope and go to the tallest mountain.Use the rope to go up and then u can see her puffles!

How do pink puffles play?

pink puffles skip