Breeding it with a female Ekans/Arbok only, because Seviper isn't part of Ekans evolutive line.
Arbok does not evolve into Seviper, it doesn't evolve after evolving out of Ekans. Hope I helped! :)
Yes, but only from Deino as an egg move. If you get a male Ekans, Arbok, Seviper, or Gyarados with dark pulse (TM 79 in DPPt/HGSS) you can breed it with a female Deino/Zweilous/Hydreigon to get an egg for a lv. 1 Deino that knows dark pulse.
any Pokemon that has the egg group dragon like: charmander and its eveloutions,ekans arbok horsea searda magikarp gyrados dratini dragon air dragonite kingdra treecko grovyle sceptile swablu altairia seviper feebas milotic bagon shelgon salamence gible gabite and garchomp.
seviper does not evolve
Seviper doesnt evolve
Seviper. Ekans and Arbok if you breed a male seviper with poison tail with a female Ekans or Arbok
i don't now sure but i reed somewhere that ekans evolve into seviper on a special way but i don't now how
Arbok does not evolve into Seviper, it doesn't evolve after evolving out of Ekans. Hope I helped! :)
She captured it since it was an Ekans. The, it evolved into an Arbok, and later it evolved into a Seviper.
Growlithe or Arcanine, Ekans or Seviper and Meowth or Persian there is more on Serebii if you need to know.
seviper is only found on sapphire vice versa to zangoose. it has no other forms. (gen3) you may have it confused with arbok (gen1) which evolves from ekans at lv 25. hope i helped.
It was thought Arbok would evolve into a Seviper but No, Arbok is the last evolution of the ekans evolutionary tree
Yes, but only from Deino as an egg move. If you get a male Ekans, Arbok, Seviper, or Gyarados with dark pulse (TM 79 in DPPt/HGSS) you can breed it with a female Deino/Zweilous/Hydreigon to get an egg for a lv. 1 Deino that knows dark pulse.
jessie has an arbok, ekans, seviper, yanma, yanmega, meowth, glameow, purrugly sorry thats all i know they want a pikachu but they cannot get it
I think you would get an F if you were quizzed on Pokémon. Why do you think it evolves into Seviper? Arbok does not evolve, and Seviper is just a whole different Pokémon. It's ok if you were confused because Jessie used to have an Arbok and she gave it up and got Seviper, and you thought that her Arbok had just evolved. Hope I helped! :)
any Pokemon that has the egg group dragon like: charmander and its eveloutions,ekans arbok horsea searda magikarp gyrados dratini dragon air dragonite kingdra treecko grovyle sceptile swablu altairia seviper feebas milotic bagon shelgon salamence gible gabite and garchomp.
Jessie from Team Rocket started out the anime show with a low level ekans. Over time, the Pokemon got much stronger and evolved into Arbok. As far as I know, she still has it.