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Some blocks require certain tools, while most can be broken unarmed. Just left-click and hold to break blocks and right-click to place blocks.

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Q: How do you break blocks in minecraft PC?
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How do you break blocks in minecraft?

Left click.

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It's impossible to craft Wooden Blocks in Minecraft unless if you break a tree.

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MINECRAFT: in which way, destroying the blocks that you put the pearls in, you cant destroy the blocks.

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Hold your left mouse button to break a block.

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You can go down how ever many blocks you want to find diamonds on Minecraft. Minecaft is a well known game.

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Adventure maps are usually used in minecraft maps it allows you to not break certain blocks but you can use a certain item to break that block.

Why cant you place or break any blocks in minecraft creative mode?

You can. Your computer is wrong.

What is efficiency in minecraft?

Efficiency makes your pickaxe break blocks faster.

What tool do you use to break obsidian in minecraft?

You need a Diamond Pick to harvest obsidian blocks.

How do you place a block in Minecraft PC?

To place a block in Minecraft, just right click. Hold down left click to break it.

How big is a Minecraft world?

On PC, it is infinite (or until Minecraft runs out of memory).

Can people with xbox Minecraft and Computer Minecraft play the same online game with each other?

No. The PC and Xbox Minecraft are in 2 different versions. Minecraft on the PC has blocks and mobs that just don't exist in the Xbox version. Xbox may eventually catch up to PC although it is unlikely that it will happen any time soon.