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You either wave or dance(I'm not sure which)

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Q: How do you blow a whistle on club penguin?
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How do you blow club penguin whistle?

Put On The Whistle WITHOUT Any OTHER Clothes On :)

How do you blow the whistle on club penguin?

Ahhhh! so you have a whistle do ya??? well to blow your whistle all you need to do is wave! press W and see what happens!

How do you whistle with a whistle on club penguin?

Try blowing into your microphone.

How do you whistle on Club Penguin?

Buy a whistle from the Snow and Sports catalog. Wear it and wave.

Where do you find the lifeguard whistle in Club Penguin?

it will be in the gift shop soon

How do you get the whistle on Club Penguin?

buy at the stage not any more though

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How do you get a whistle on club penguin?

Its in the Sports Catolog right now

Where is the life guard whistle on club penguin 2012?

It is located in the gift shop catalog in the penguin's at work section.

How do you use whistle on club penguin?

how old r u 5? get outta here!

Who do you become a life guard in club penguin?

You can buy the lifeguard suit at the sport shop and you can buy the whistle.

What does whistle mean?

You blow your fingers in your can blow with a real whistle.when you whistle you blow loud.