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Get to the last part of the last boss.

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Q: How do you become super Sonic in Sonic Unleashed?
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Can you turn sonic into super sonic in sonic unleashed?

You can only become super sonic during the last mission in the game after that you can no longer transform in super sonic, unless you have the PC version and mod the game

On sonic unleashed can you get unlimited live with super sonic?

No its not possible.

Can Sonic turn into Super Sonic in Sonic Unleashed?

He does for the final boss, but that's it

How do you turn into super sonic in sonic unleashed before the last boss?

you cant turn into super sonic before the last boss :(

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No, Shadow is not in Sonic Unleashed.

What happens to Sonic the werehog in Sonic unleashed?

Turning Super Somehow released sonic from his were Hog Curse

How do you be Super Sonic the whole game on sonic unleashed?

You can be super sonic on the final boss boss for ps3, ps2,wii, and xbox 360

Is super sonic playable in sonic unleashed?

Yes, but he's only available in the last stage.

How do you defeat Dark Gaia in sonic unleashed?

Hit all seven eyes with Super Sonic with rings

How do you turn super sonic in sonic unleashed?

at the end of the game at the last boss lv you turn super and try to beat dark gaia

Is there a code to become Super or Hyper Sonic in Sonic Rush?

There is no code to become Super or hyper Sonic.

How do you get super sonic in sonic unleashed for PS3?

Super Sonic is only accessible in the final stageof the game. Unlock Eggmanland and complete the missions there. Eventually you'll reach the final story, in which you can eventually play as Super Sonic.