go to home and study hard, very hard........understood.....dont waste your time on internet for facebook.........go baby.........
Painless operation.O E R T OoPerAtIoN
You can make the word :- A S T R O N A U T.
M O R S T Y unscrambled is STORMY. :)
t r a n s p o r t a t i o n
Painless operation.O E R T OoPerAtIoN
You can make the word :- A S T R O N A U T.
D o n t t r u s t d i r e c t o r d
a e e o l r t v e l e v a t o r elevator
well you just spelled it, E-X-T-E-R-M-I-N-A-T-O-R
The word "Astronaut" is spelled as A-S-T-R-O-N-A-U-T.
Find the missing letter F-O-R T-A-R P-U-_
it has one m and two r's. t o m o r r o w