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You cannot become a VIP for the entire site of Roblox, but you can become VIP on individual games. To become a VIP simply buy the VIP t-shirt for the game you want to be VIP on. Then go you your character and put the t-shirt on to become a VIP.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

You will need to buy the VIP shirt if the creator has one and is selling it.

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βˆ™ 4y ago

As of right now, you can buy a game pass called VIP for the game if the creator is selling it.

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Q: How do you become VIP on Roblox?
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How can you become a vip on roblox?

Buy a VIP shirt from the catalog.

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Buy the VIP T-shirt.

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You have to buy the VIP shirt.

How do you become a VIP on roblox without buildersclub?

This is not possible.

Can i be vip?

Yes, It is very possible for you to become a VIP on a game on Roblox. All you have to do is buy and wear a VIP shirt for a game and you will become a VIP there. Alternatively, if you know the person that made the place he/she can make you a VIP for free!

How do you become vip for every on roblox?

go to buy a vip shirt and put it on and keep it on and if u take it off you r no longer vip

Is there any other way to become a vip on roblox then to be in the builders club?

Look for a place that says "To become VIP!" (although, there aren't many places that truly make you a VIP.)

How do you become a VIP on roblox?

Unless you are referring to Builders Club, it is not possible to become a VIP on the entire website of Roblox. However, many game creators sell VIP shirts for their games, in this case, you can become a VIP on that place by buying the VIP shirt and wearing it in the game. Also, Outrageous Builders Club members are sometimes referred to as "VIPs of Roblox". Also there is an admin shirt. In some games it will let you be a VIP.

How do you get uber vip in roblox base wars?

how do you get uber vip for roblox base wars

How do you be a VIP on roblox?

There is no VIP in roblox. Unless if you are talking about builder's club which is like members. But there are VIPs for games in roblox. If a game has VIP, then you have to buy that shirt and then you were it then you go right throe the VIP (only on the level you bought it for)

Roblox how to be super admin for village life?

You can be a super admin if you add admin in your roblox game

How do you get ultra vip on roblox?

This depends on the place you want to be ultra VIP on. Look in the place's description to see if there is a link to an ultra VIP shirt. IF there is click on the link, buy the item that is there, and wear it to become ultra VIP.