The penguins with scarves are at the snow Forts.
The penguin who likes to count coins is at the dojo.
Aunt arctic is at the lighthouse beacon.
The last penguin is at the coffee shop.
you have to download it off the computer to your ds using a usb cord
You Don"t Beat Him By Hunter Hos
you kill the last boss
you jump on him
After you beat mysims Kingdom (DS), It takes you back to where you last saved before you beat it. At the end, the king gets the hellicopter.
Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force is a game for the Nintendo DS. To beat the megabot, you have to use the duster on its nose.
I don't know but I think you should try you tube the know everthing................. well almost everthing
bUY IT FROM gamestop
Sadly, no.
no it is only for ds and wii
you cant
i do not know the last one
you get another mission
you have to buy the ds game