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Drive all around the place trust me it's hard to find. You could have better luck by searching "Halo CE Mission 2" on YouTube!

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Q: How do you beat the second level in halo?
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How do you know if you beat halo?

if there is no level after the one u just did

What do you get for beating Halo 3?

Depends on what level You beat it on.

What is the second to last level in halo 3?

Cortana =]

How do you beat the1st level in Halo 3?

Just follow what Cortona saids.

How do you beat the 6th level in Halo 3?

If you are looking for a detailed guide, I would try YouTube for a level walkthrough.

Level select for halo?

You Can't Get Cheats But You Sure Can Beat The Game.....Bravo Bravo!!!

How do you beat the level 7 in halo reach?

Google, Halo: Reach mission 7 exodus walk-through. There are plenty of sites that can help you.

Does cortana die in Halo 3?

No, you free her at the second last level.

What is the second to last level in Halo 2 called?

"The Great Journey"

How do you beat the last level on Halo 3? it is a guied to all of halo 3 (copy and paste)

Do you have to beat the game to get skulls on halo 3?

no.... im a holo freak.... in fact to get skulls in halo you find them when you play each level... so each level has a skull hidden in it... you just have to look for it...

Do you have to beat the level with a skull on Halo 3?

Yes, you do. Otherwise, you cannot use the skull as an attachment or extra.