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it depends on what level your talking about, silly.

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Q: How do you beat the level on Kung Fu panda wii?
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Where is the cheat option in Kung Fu panda legendary warriors for the wii?

you have to go to options

How do you do panda stumble in Kung Fu panda wii?

hold the nunchuk joystick thing forward while flicking the wiimote and nunchuk downwards. Flick upwards to stop

Why is Po underground in your Kung Fu Panda Wii?

I had po underground too. Just don't save it. I tried to get him back up for 1 hour.

When does Kung Fu Panda the Game come out?

It had already came out, go to the shops and buy the game on ds, Nintendo wii, xbox 360, ps3.

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Play Spore Hero Wii and go to the cave in the second level.

How do you turn the cheats OFF in the Kung Fu panda game for the wii?

You can turn the cheats off in this game by using a sequence of pushes on the directional pad. The directions are down, up, left, right, right.

How do you beat Raven in Nerf N-Strike for Wii?

To beat Raven, you need to beat her four minigames. Once you do that, you should be able to advance to the next level.

Codes for sim animals on Wii?

To unlock a panda, just press 2 on the wii remote and then click on enter codes. Then type in panda. To unlock a red panda, do the same, but instead type red panda. And you do the same for Ferret.

Has anyone beat Mario Kart Wii?

I have, the very last character you get is TOADETTE and the last level to beat is Bowsers Castle on the lightning cup.

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What are cheat codes for Sim Animals Wii?

Press the button 2 and put in red panda for a red panda or just panda for a panda.