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So go left right left up down down up left right left left up down and that's how you pass the 0. Now to pass the 1 down right up left down left up right and do the Micheal Jackson and rape

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Q: How do you beat the game riddle school 5?
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Why doesn't the t-bone come to life when you try to life-transfer it in riddle school 5?

You need to put it in the soil that you have in the tray from the flower room.(I beat the game).

Will there be a riddle school 5?

Yes there already is a riddle school 5.

When will riddle school 5 come out?

they already have come out with riddle school 5. If you go to and search riddle school 5, they will have it right there.

How do you beat the tile game in riddle school 5?

click the tile machine then click the tiles

What grade is Phil in riddle school 2?

in riddle school 1 he is in 1st grade so in riddle school 2 he is in grade 5

What are the cheats to riddle school 4?

There are no cheats, it's a joke. Riddle School 5 is the real one.

How do you do the tiles on riddle school 5?

figure it out

What is the walkthrough of riddle school 4?

1-click on the broken tile Thats it the end now move on to riddle school 5!!

Will there be a riddle school 4?

Riddle School 4 is an April's Fools joke, Riddle School 5 is already out, I think it's the best one in the series(in my oppinion), it's the longest, and SURELY the last one.

How do you beat the laser in riddle school 5?

Well, friend, when facing a challenge like a laser in Riddle School 5, remember to stay calm and think creatively. Look around the room for objects you can use to redirect or block the laser beam. Sometimes, the solution is right in front of you, waiting to be discovered with a peaceful mind and a gentle touch.

What is the number pad combination in riddle school 5?


What do you do once your past the monster in riddle school 5?

i think it was into get you