This is a silly question partly. 1.Beat the stages, 2.The final boss ISNT the final boss. Collect all chaos emeralds to go to non aggression, the extra zone as super sonic. You will then have to battle super gemerl with eggman and sonic. It is a hard boss, but concentrate and you will win.
No, Shadow is not in Sonic Unleashed.
the Sonix X zone - it is check Sonic (disambiguation)
Sonic The Hedgehog: After it says Sonic Team Presents, at the start of the game, Press: Up, Down, Left, Right, Y + Start and you can choose any level. Sonic 2:There is none. Sonic The Hedgehog 3:At the drum beat hurry and press up up down down up up up.Go down twice and you will see sound test. Sonic and Knuckles: Start Mushroom Hill Zone as Sonic. Head right until you come to the first Pull-Up machine. Jump and hang on it. Then, Press Left, Left, LEFT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT UP UP UP then get a game over at where you select sonic or knuckles hold Y+START THEN CHOOSE A LEVEL (THE NUMBERS ARE SONIC TAILS AND KNUCKLES) That's how you go to Level Select in Sonic Classic Collection. (Note: If I got some thing not right improve my answer)
easy you have to beat the egg robots under the forcefield in green hill zone then you move on to metropolis your not in blue ridge zone for that long you just beat shadow and move on to metropolis that's when you start chapter five you comlete chapter 3 when you enter blue ridge zone that's all you need to know for now
It goes in the order of which the games were released; Green Hill Zone (Sonic the Hedgehog 1) Chemical Plant Zone (Sonic the Hedgehog 2) Sky Sanctuary Zone (Sonic 3 & Knuckles) Speed Highway (Sonic Adventure) City Escape (Sonic Adventure 2) Seaside Hill (Sonic Heroes) Crisis City (Sonic the Hedgehog (06)) Rooftop Run (Sonic Unleashed) Planet Wisp (Sonic Colours)
It's the fourth level in Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II. It shares the same theme as Sky Chase Zone and Wing Fortress Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog 2.
Sonic Generations is not ALL of the Sonic the Hedgehog games. The games represented in Sonic Generations for Xbox and PS3 are: Sonic the Hedgehog (Green Hill Zone), Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Chemical Plant), Sonic & Knuckles (Sky Sanctuary), Sonic Adventure (Perfect Chaos & Speed Highway), Sonic Adventure 2 (City Escape), Sonic Heroes (Seaside Hill), Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) [Crisis City], Sonic Unleashed (Rooftop Run), and Sonic Colors (Planet Wisps). The 3DS version features different levels from the Sonic Series: Sonic the Hedgehog (Green Hill Zone), Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Casino Night), Sonic & Knuckles (Mushroom Hill), Sonic Adventure (Emerald Coast), Sonic Adventure 2 (Radical Highway), Sonic Heroes (Water Palace and Special Stage), and Sonic Colors (Tropical Resort)
The first level varies depending on what game you're playing, but the first level in the first Sonic the Hedgehog is Green Hill Zone.
This is a silly question partly. 1.Beat the stages, 2.The final boss ISNT the final boss. Collect all chaos emeralds to go to non aggression, the extra zone as super sonic. You will then have to battle super gemerl with eggman and sonic. It is a hard boss, but concentrate and you will win.
beat techno zone w sonic.
crisis city green hill zone flame core those stages are in sonic 2006
No, Shadow is not in Sonic Unleashed.
You must input a cheat on the title screen to select a zone. The is Up, Left, Down, Right.
You beat the game once you have collected all 180 red rings (there are 30 hidden throughout each zone, 6 in each act within the zone), beat all the game land zones, collected all 7 chaos emeralds, and beat the final boss. there you go.
I think you've mistaken it for Manic the hedgehog Manic is Sonics brother from another zone he is in the show Sonic Underground he is green and is a total rocker
No, but you can see him in the backround in the green hill zone stage.