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In Pokemon yellow, I beat the elite four with:

Pikachu lvl. 51; moves=thunder, thunderbolt, thunder wave, (any powerful normal move)

Articuno lvl. 52; moves=ice beam, blizzard, sky attack, (a move that inflicts a status problem)

Kadabra lvl. 33; moves=psychic, psybeam, confusion, ( powerful normal type move, such as double edge or mega kick/punch)

Snorlax lvl. 33; surf, strength, rest, focus punch

Haunter lvl. 33; hypnosis, dream eater, (powerfuldark type move, i don't know one, but all i can think of is thief), sludge bomb

Charizard lvl. 43; Fire blast, ember, cut, fly

sorry i forgot what some of the moves were but i know some so i filled in the space with a recommended move

i had to save before each of the elites before i battled them just incase i lose to any one of them. Agatha gave me the most trouble, because of hypnosis, so bring like 5-10 awakenings.

the items i used were like 15 lemonades, 10 revives, and 10 awakenings

for loreli, put pikachu in your first slot. use pikachu mainly, except for lapras, who is a bit trickier, so try using kadabra's or articuno's most powerful move.

For Bruno, put articuno in your first slot. use charizard and articuno, because of their flying type, but don't use snorlax other than his onixes where you should use surf, as the onixes rock type is good against ice, fire, and flying, otherwise, snlorax will get schooled, even though he has massive hp

for agatha, (the most difficult in my opinion) put haunter in your first slot. use haunters hypnosis and dream eater, also use his dark type move which is super effective. normal type moves just wont work here so avoid them. her last gengar just downright pisses me off, and will eat through your Pokemon using hypnosis and dream eater, so use your awakenings and all your Pokemon, keeping snorlax for last as his tankish abilities will give you time to stall and revive/heal your other Pokemon

For lance, put pikachu in your first slot to obliterate his garydos and then switch to articuno, and use blizzard which is super effective against dragon. for his aerodactyl, use snorlax's surf.

for your champion rival, heal all your Pokemon to full health, and because you have no idea what to expect, put snorlax up first. for his sandslash use charizard's fly. for his alakazam, use either your kadabra or haunters dark move, but do note that both psychics do critical hits to each other. for his exeggutor, use charizards fire moves. for the water Pokemon he has, use pikachu, the fire Pokemon he chooses, snorlax surf, and for the electric, use anything other than charizard or articuno.

*note; evolve haunter and kadabra if you have the option to do so

*also, level up the Pokemon even more to make things al little bit easier

* you can swap out charizard if you don't want it as long as you have another fire Pokemon and teach articuno fly

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Q: How do you beat the elite four on Pokemon Yellow?
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