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Q: How do you beat the clock level in pupzzle?
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Spin the left clock to 11 and the right clock to 7

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put 22 into the digital clock thing

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You need to take a branch from the tree and stick it on the ground to use as a stand for your fishing rod.

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arrange the clock to look like a digital 22

How do you beat level ON 40x escape?

arrange the clock to look like a digital 22

How do you beat the first co op at the clock tower on club penguin?

easy,i get in 10th level

How do you beat click play 2 level 16?

tHe AnSwEr Is 1500 because it is military time on the clock. =)

When was Beat the Clock created?

Beat the Clock was created in 2002.

What is the duration of Beat the Clock?

The duration of Beat the Clock is -1560.0 seconds.

How do you beat level 3-5 in super Scribblenauts?

for the guy and the clock put in timeless man for the gutiar put in rockstar

How do you beat level 16 in Click Play 2?

Type 0015 on the safe. It's the time on the clock in military time.

Do SmackDown VS Raw have Beat the clock and King of the Ring?

No it does not have beat the clock and King of The Ring