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you can complete it by yousing a tiny sand worm then a killer whale next ice dragon after that slow giant phoenix.

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What is the value of a 410 flight king deluxe high standard model k4111?

It's worth whatever you buy or sell it for.

Play Pokemon Red for free online?

Well i found this web site here link that's it hope it helped

Is there any zubo cheats?

Yes, there is and here are the cheats.All Star Characters: How to unlock:Strike-Footballer Win 2 fights in practice mode (40 points)Ace-Tennis player Win 20 fights in practice mode (400 points)Clutch-Baseball player Win 80 fights in practice mode (1600 points)Slice-Golfer Win 200 fights in practice mode (4000 points)Slice-American footballer Win 410 fights in practice mode (10000 points)Zones:Pop Zone Start the story modeHorror Zone Go to the Pop Stage and go to the far left as possibleWild West Zone Beat Sleepy HeadPirate Zone Go to the Lonely Peak and go up and far right as possibleSuper Zone Beat Icy Head and go to the Pirate ShipAlien Zone Beat Tech Head and go to the Secret Super BaseWhite Room Zone Win 410 fights in practice mode (10000 points)Bosses: How to beat the Bosses: Why to use them Zubos:Sleepy Head Use Pinky, Rapella and Kitty Bling Use Salsa Slap to gain health,Subwoofer to hit all the Zombo'sand Sleep Spray to make yourrivals fall asleep.Ice Head Use Round Up, Medusa and Neptune Use Warm Up to build strength,Encore to gain power pills andFolk Poke to earn HP and attackthe active Zombo.Tech Head Use Pinky, Neptune and Tiger Use Rock Out to ignore theZombo's, Breakdance to healyour Zubo's HP and Mouse Trapto hit all the Zombo's and take alotof damage.Big Head Use Ace, Neptune and Invader Use Serve & Smash to hit anyZombo, Fish & Hits to attack andstun the active Zombo and PowerStomp to suck the Zombo's PowerPills.How to teleport to each Zone:Save Zubalon.How to save Zubalon:Beat all the bosses.How to gain 1 power pill at the start of a fight:Geta small gift and use it on Ace (I'm not sure if it works with someone else or all the time) and then you should get a MP3 player which lets you have 1 power pill at the start of every fight.That's the cheats I can put on, I forgot how to get all the Zubo's but I remember how to unlock all the all arounders and these other Zubo's:Zubo: How to unlock:Pinky Start the story modeLunar Complete Lunar's mini-golf in the Alien Zone-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lady G-ga feel the beat, Lady G-ga dress of meat, 5,6,78

How do you get sheldon in Pokemon platinum?

to get shieldon you need to under ground and find the armor fossil then put it in your bag next go up to oreburgh city and talk too the guy in the museum, but you need five Pokemon in your party then tell him about the armor fossil and go out of the museum then go back in then talk to him again he will give you shieldon lv.20,you can do this with any other fossils you find. sources:

How do you beat zongazonga second time fossil fighters champions?

You need at least 410 FP Max. You need a T-Rex Lord, a Teffla, and a Ryden, all at rank 20. Put T-rex Lord and Teffla in the AZ and Ryden in the far SZ. Use Ryden rage to change his formation and: If he's still in an AZ keep using Lordly Strike and/or Teffla Scale on Zongazonga until you have at least 50 FP left. Then use Ryden's Power Scale. Keep doing this until Zongazonga's dead. If he gets moved to an SZ, keep saving up and using Ryden Storm on Zongazonga, until he's dead (if he goes up to an SZ to attack, then use the above strategy). After either or both of those strategies are done, a Z-Rex will move up to the AZ to attack. Hit him with Lordly strike or Teffla Scale so he's not dead, but in low health. Do this to the other Z-Rex, and kill the one in the AZ. Make sure you kill the second one quick, or else the first one will rise from the grave. P.S. Brachio is at Mt.Krakanak, T-Rex is at Mt.Krakanak Crater, but he's rare, and Aeros is at Hot Spring Heights (if he wasn't your starter). You can get Miraculous Fossil Rocks at treasure Lake Pay-To-Dig site with a pink mask (not guaranteed though). Do this and soon you'll just be fighting Zongazonga for battle points! Hope this helped and have fun with your zombiesaurs!