If you mean the Saffron gym, then you want to use ground and psychic types, cause they use poison types.
You have to beat team rocket in Silph Co
Go to saffron city and go through the silph co building and beat Giovanni again then go to the gym to get your 6th badge.
You go to Saffron City, go to the Silph Co., take out Giovanni, then beat Sabrina
You must have beat the Tower in Saffron city and if you have beat the tower and earned your master ball, you will go to pallet town and surf. You will surf south(direction wise) and you will land on cinnibar(spell check?)
After you beat Sabrina, the 6th gym leader in Saffron City, you can use Rock Smash.
you have to beat koga in fushia city
Beat the eighth Gym, which is in Viridian City!
You have to beat Giovanni in the Celadon City Gym.
You have to beat team rocket in Silph Co
You need to beat the pokemon luge,broks city,mystic ticket
After you beat the fighting dojo's leader in Saffron city, then you get to choose either a hitmontop or a hitmonlee.
Actually, you get it after saving Fugi. You have to go to Celadon city and beat Giovanni to get the Silph Scope. Then, beat the team rocket grunts and beat Marowak in lavender town and you get it.
Go to saffron city and go through the silph co building and beat Giovanni again then go to the gym to get your 6th badge.
Mew two sould be at the end of the cave in cerulean city after you beat the elite 4.
Beat the 8th Gym, led by Giovanni in Viridian City and he will give you tm26: Earthquake.
it is final gym need to beat all other gyms