All you need to do is the square on your left press it and the box in the bottom to your right press it and thats all you need to do.
buy the cheatsheet of amazon for $1.50. Postage is $19.99
you do things
hit nothing
you beat it
You beat it.
what do you mean the anwer wasn't submitted yet you should know how to do it
All you need to do is the square on your left press it and the box in the bottom to your right press it and thats all you need to do.
you are suppost to get all the haystacks down and get the pig to fall down
dont know figer it out your self and stop reserahing to find the answer if you know please improve my answer
buy the cheatsheet of amazon for $1.50. Postage is $19.99
you do things
use you tube
Be a boss
hit nothing