what do you do
You have to beat the Level 5 castle in mini Mario form.
There are 7 buttons first do button 1 and 7 then 2 and 7 then 3 and 7 then 4 and 7 etc.
Press "G" on your keyboard.
what do you do
Use nukes
You have to beat the Level 5 castle in mini Mario form.
There are 7 buttons first do button 1 and 7 then 2 and 7 then 3 and 7 then 4 and 7 etc.
Use a carrot, a button, a stick, a tophat, a snowball, and a scarf
follow your blockers but then go left use your spin and then go right and beat them to the corner
tell me
No, you have to beat the boss on level 5 as tiny Mario to unlock level 7.