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first hit the right arrow until you are about to go off then go to the left and you hot the bubble and you got it level 38 here i come

Melissa Marie Rogers

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Q: How do you beat level 37 on rotate and roll?
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How do you pass Rotate and Roll level 37?

Press right button when spike is not her , then press left button when spike is not there and then right when getting in the bubble.

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How do you complete level 37 on rotate and roll?

Level 37 is really hard, but in order to complete it you have to keep pressing the right cursor key on your computer and then drop from the top of the little box and if you keep on doing this then you should eventually get the coin. After you have collected the coin, do the opposite of what I have written and then rotate the game so that you catch the little ball in the bubble.

How do you beat escape level 36?

level 37 on escape

What level do you have to be to beat temporal tower?

i beat it with lvl 37 and 38

How do you beat level 37 40escape?

you suck a dingaling

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no way

How do you get past level 37 of rotate and roll?

To complete level 16 on Rotate and Roll, you must first touch the small ball on the right, to get above the bomb, you then have to bounce or roll of the side as soon as you touch the ball, otherwise it won't work. And that's how you do that. :)

How do you beat level 36 on escape?

level 37 on escape

What Pokemon learns beat up?

Sneasel learns Beat Up I think at level 37.