you cant
Take your mouse off the screen until 3 elephants pass by
Shoot the red ball till it it hits the wall. Then hit the button above the cannon.
Climb to the top of the map and jump all the way down and use E to turn on the button
Staravia evolves at Level 34 into staraptor.
There is no level 34. There are only 33 stages on Bloxorz.
I beat a lesser demon on a pure at level 34 combat, you can do it with a level 61 easily.
34 34 22 35 36
you cant
how do you beat escape x40 level 40
It is impossible. I finally gave up after days of trying (and asking people) and skipped it. Now I am on level 34.
Take your mouse off the screen until 3 elephants pass by
There is no level 34. There are only 33 stages on Bloxorz.
jast get 3 level. tuh sure i beat him 1:34 secnds too easy couldn't they have made it harder
teing puguhan