There are 5 victims to kill.
1) First kill the guy in the sewer : click on the head of the guy on the toilet twice. This makes him poo. Click the guy in the sewer's helmet so it falls off. Click to flush the toilet. He dies when he falls on his hammer.
2) To kill the guy on the roof, the guy outside the toilet and the guy on the toilet : click the two cracks on the roof inside the toilet, and click to move the bottom brick under the takeoff board. When the guy on the roof runs, he falls short and falls on a spike. The guy on the ground gets hit by the brick and the roof collapses on the guy on the toilet.
3) To kill the guy on the bench, click his sandwich and he drops it and stands up. Then a hang glider flies overhead. Click on the glider and it will crash into the guy below, killing both.
On this level, you will have to move a little fast.
Well, first, you click on the man in front of the target to take him behind the apple tree. Then, you click on the bird to poop on the guy with the bow and arrow. He will shoot the apple tree and all of the apples will fall and kill the guy you just sent behind the tree. Next, you click on the guy in the car to send him to pray at the tombstone. Once he leaves, click on the antennae to make it go up. Next, click on the cloud closest to the bell. The Bow and Arrow man will start to leave. Wait until he's right behind the car, then click on the cloud beneath the cloud you just clicked on. This will send the car backwards, killing both the smoker and the archer. Finally, click on the tombstone where the guy is praying. A zombie hand pops up and strangles him!
you get drunk
Play it to beat it (:
by trying to beat it
I'm not sure how to beat level 22 on Meblings 2. Never played that game before.
You jump on the first block and click your hammer. Then you hit the frog over the head. You will see bird wings, and you jump on them to get them. Finally, you fly to the finish line up on the hill.
To beat level 1 in Causality 5, you should guide each stickman to their designated exit point without crossing paths. Analyze the sequence of events carefully, identify the order in which each stickman needs to move, and manipulate the environment to create a safe path for them. It may take some trial and error to figure out the correct sequence.
you get drunk
You beat every level until you beat the last level.
In order to beat level 21 you have to actually spell the words "twenty one" and there you go your welcome!
please help me beat level 2-2 in killer whale
Play it to beat it (:
how to beat level 2 in hide cascers
by trying to beat it
I'm not sure how to beat level 22 on Meblings 2. Never played that game before.
be active
You need to use the right combination of numbers to beat Bubble Blast Pack 2, level 2. Each level of the game has a unique number sequence.