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Level One : The siege (6 victims, everyone on both sides)

- Click on the archer on the castle, so he shoots at the horseman and misses. Click on the clouds overhead (wind changes) to make sure he can't hit anything for now. Click the archer on the ground and quickly the archer on the castle again, who ducks. The arrow sets the raft adrift.

- Click on the back wheel of the catapult, which falls off, so that the rock hits the drawbridge and opens it a bit. Reverse the wind with the cloud again. Click the ground archer, who gets in the raft. Click the crocodile as he crosses, he pokes it and it eats him. That's (1)

- Click the commander with the sword and he moves up, so you can click the drawbridge and crush him with it. (2) Click the catapult operator, who is flung into the enemy king. (3 and 4) Reverse the cloud once more and click on the archer on the castle who shoots, and his arrow is blown back at him. (5) Click the horseman, who falls on his sword. (6)

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