OK listen to me carefully. When you first reach the button rotate the lever for the rope clockwise (right) then pull him back up conter clockwise (left). And finally press the button under the ant in the tree to relese him. Thats it! Hope I helped!
I know how but i can not tell you it is hard
You Drive The Car To The Flag
you cant because you cant beat level 14, remember im talking about the original boombot game
You cant . Its Impossible. (:
I beat rupert using a level 14 teffla Areos 10 and a level 12 pelro it was quite easy
I know how but i can not tell you it is hard
you beat you stupid
you have to quit
if u are trying to beat level 14 then go somewhere else u lowlife
Level 14 but you have to beat Darkrai or get Palkia on your team.
You Drive The Car To The Flag
you cant because you cant beat level 14, remember im talking about the original boombot game
You cant . Its Impossible. (:
I beat rupert using a level 14 teffla Areos 10 and a level 12 pelro it was quite easy
JusT keep playing it