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well what you do first is click on the blue square and roll it down and put it under the the block then drop the big enormous square and the red square will fall down and you beat the level

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Q: How do you beat level 13 on WereBox on CoolMath?
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you have to go fash before the blue block falls so u have tu hurry up and get tu the next block

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Well, darling, to beat level 13 on Lightybulb, you need to use your noggin and think outside the box. Pay attention to the clues given and don't be afraid to experiment with different solutions. If all else fails, a quick Google search might just save the day. Good luck, sugar!

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453 is the answer

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sorry, no idea

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First, turn the smallest box into a ball so it will land underneath the wood thing. Then, turn the red box into a ball. Lastly, turn the biggest box into a ball and it will knock the red ball off.

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Press shift five times rapidly.

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count the numbers up to 453

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count the numbers up to 453

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go to youtube and type in walk through level 13 or what ever level you need