You have to push all the blocks over and then push them across the red spikes. It may take a couple of tries. Next, you have to push the block all the way over the spikes and push the block against the wall and jump. You have to get past that fuzzy creature. Do not touch it, it will kill you. Let the parachute thing go and jump on the top of the conveyer and slide. Jump up and touch the flag!
how do you beat level 12
how do you beat level 12
how do you beat level 12 on b-cubed??!!
how do you beat level 12 on b-cubed??!!
how to beat level 12 in monkeyquest
i wont tell you becaues i dont know!
level 12
If you want to know how to beat Mission 12 go to
there is someone invisibility in there.
you have to hack it