Shrink the one on the bottom left, the box on top of it should fall off the one you shrunk. Keep shrinking it for another moment, then shrink the box on the right. Now grow the box you had not shrunken until the octagon falls into the white area.
heely cant beat level 10
Get a level 10 class, and be at least level 27
i dont know its hard for me
WOW! your that far! I can't even beat level 3. sorry can't help you!
one is 619619new2012 2.55566677788899
heely cant beat level 10
how do you beat level 10 on factory balls 4
Get a level 10 class, and be at least level 27
do nothing
:[ luck?
you dont
Get a Pokemon that is higher than Level 10.
How do You complete level 10 on Oh Snow
You don't.
i dont know its hard for me