There is a bug in the programming. During the 1st battle with Brainiac you will be able to destroy only 3 of the 4 electric towers and for the 4th there will be a perpetual loop.
The solution: Exit the game and restart from the last save point, this time all 4 electric towers' protective covers will be down one at a time. After these are destroyed it is a cake walk killing Brainiac twice. However there is a twist in the tale, kill Brainiac and discover the story for yourself.
It is spelled "Egg Emperor" and you have to keep using Thunder Shoot to beat it.
beat the game? lol
Beat all the turtles.
Go fast and dont die
You beat heroes mode on story
in justice league heroes there are 13.3 missions you have to beat from start to obviously finish. the point deals are secondary n third missions linked to the starting mission if that made sense to you.
It depends if you're from America or Europe. But, my opinion; I think Justice League America would.
just beat it
With the proper planning, yes. In Justice League DOOM his plans to do so get stolen and used against the justice league.
I don't know about five six, but seven ate nine
cheat go to ranging sangoku evrytime
Yes, you beat the Pokemon League first.
you con beat the police boss by sending raccoons and frogs in nine heroes zombie invasion.
You do not need 6 Magikarps to beat the League... Who told you that!!??
Beat them again