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I just figured it out.

1) Put the first two pieces (beams) as far to the outsides of the given starting blocks as you can while keeping them stable.

2) Stack the next horizontal piece on top of the two beams, centered.

3) Stack the next two blocks on the outsides of the horizontal beam you just stacked.

4) Stack the circle piece in the center of the two blocks you just stacked.

5) Stack the large triangle on top of the two blocks and the circle, centered over them. (this is tricky, you'll be working with only the upper range of the screen, and it will seem like you can't stack this piece, but you can. you just have to click your cursor, centered, just barely inside the gameplay screen. the triangle will kind of bump its way onto the top of the other pieces)

6) Stack the slightly shorter horizontal beam on the very edges of the bottom two given starting blocks.

7) Stack the next three diagonal beams carefully and diagonally - one after the other. They should just barely reach the top of the 'framework' you've built.

8) Start at the bottom of the framework you've built and stack all of the remaining circles in the free space between the beams.

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Q: How do you beat framework for super stacker 2?
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Look up a walkthrough.

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