First you have to paint the ball black. Then you suction the ears once each. Then you out the glasses on. Paint the ball red and take off the glasses. Suction the nose twice and then you are done!
Factory ball 4 - Level 21 to 30 walkthrough - YouTubehere ya go!
Firstyouclick the orange ballthen right away after that you click the blue ball
you think
move your mouse
Factory ball 4 - Level 21 to 30 walkthrough - YouTubehere ya go!
Factory ball 4 - Level 21 to 30 walkthrough - YouTubehere ya go!
you hav eto do it with it
knock the wood thing and throw it in the water
Firstyouclick the orange ballthen right away after that you click the blue ball
In order to beat level 21 you have to actually spell the words "twenty one" and there you go your welcome!
its impossible
it is immpossible
you think
move your mouse