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well firstly you go left and you will see a purple alien and click on him then he will say here's a key to my house can you bring my sword now collect the key from his hand

secondly press the right arrow 4 times and you will see a blue house get your key and press the blue house now you will see a sword pick it up then at your right you will see green drawers open the first one and you will see a pry bar click on it now exit the drawers and click right you will see a empty container on the floor pick it up now click right and at the bottom of the screen there is a arrow click it

now go back to the purple alien and give him his sword , now enter what is next to him click right and you will see a alien click him and he will say i will help you if you find me 3 pieces of red rock now grab your empty container and click the thing next to the alien if you did it right the container will now be filled with goo now click the left arrow twice and click the black locker on your right and you have to pick the Flute up and click the other black locker and it will be jammed so take your pry bar and click the jammed locker and now you will see a pump in there

so you see those barrels next to the locker click the one in front and you will then see a pieces of paper that says square triangle and another shape and you see the blue door in between the black lockers press the blue thing one the left to it now you have to put in a code (435) now the door will open go in but it will be to dark but look on the floor and you will see wood pick it up and go out

now go back to your space ship and get your container with goo in it and put it on your ships window then get your pump and put it on your tire

now go back to the two houses and go inside the blue one and take your wood and click the fire now put your wood back in your inventory (where you had it) now go back to your space ship and you now the big hole on the top right of the screen click it and if you did it right you will get a red rock click it

now go back to that dark room and get your wood go inside now you will see a pick axe click it now go the that purple alien that wanted the red rocks give him the first one you got now go to your space ship click on the right arrow twice and you will now see a big rock get your pick axe and click on the rock and you will get a small red rock go back to the alien and give the red rock to him

now go back to the two houses and you will see a alien give him the flute you have and in return he will give you a power glove. now go back to that dark room that's not dark anymore pick up your power glove and move the crate that is on top of the 2 crates then move the two crates to find a red rock behind them (don't bother moving the other two there's nothing behind them) pick up the rock then go back to the alien that wants the red rocks and give him the red rock

then in return to you for getting him the red rocks he will give you a access card now go to your space ship and click the right arrow once and get your access card and click on the thing that has a red light on and walk across the bridge then get your power glove and click on the blue rock

go back to your space ship and get your blue rock and put it into your power source place

now go back to the blue house and go to the second room click on the white door of the machine and you will find a small alien inside above it you will see a blue wire click it go back to your space ship and click the place that needs a wire and put in the blue wire now click the back of the space ship and you have escaped

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