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use dark type moves or dark type pokemon with dark type moves look im just not confedent to beat him cuase i have weak pokemon like level 22 scyther and 23 pidgeyoto and 22 ferow and another two but use dark type moves on the ecruteak gym leader

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Q: How do you beat ecruteak gym leader in Pokemon silver?
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In Pokemon silver what gym leader do you beat to use surf?

Fourth gym, in Ecruteak City. To get the HM for it, you must beat the dancing girls inside the dance hall in the same city..

Where is Ecruteak City in soul silver?

after you beat goldenrod's city gym leader you go up north

In Pokemon soul silver what gym leader do you beat to use surf?

The gym leader you must defeat is Morty, the ghost-type gym leader who lives in Ecruteak. To defeat him, try using types such as ghost, dark, or psychic.

How do you beat the third gym leader in Pokemon silver?

You beat all of her Pokemon. You beat all of her Pokemon.

How do you obtain Surf in Pokemon Silver?

To obtain the HM Surf, you must beat the Dance Hall in Ecruteak City.

What do you do to beat dragons den on Pokemon silver?

beat the last gym leader on soul silver in johto

How do you get through the ecruteak gym in soul silver?

beat it

Where do you find the rainbow wig in Pokemon Soul Silver?

The man in the dance center in Ecruteak city will give it to you after you beat the Elite Four

Where is bill after you beat the seventh gym in soul silver?

in the ecruteak Pokemon center or at his house in Goldenrod city left to the game center

How Do You Get Inside The Dragon's Den In Pokemon Soul Silver?

In the original Pokemon Silver you had to beat the 8th gym leader, Claire, then she allowed you to pass.

Where is the fourth gym on Pokemon Emerald Version?

It's in ecruteak city. The leader uses ghost Pokemon, so start training a psycic Pokemon now.The 4th gym is in in Ecruteak city. The leader uses ghost Pokemon, so start training a ghost-type or dark-type Pokemon now.But to get to Ecruteak city - use the watering can on sudowoodo and defeat/capture it in battle.