The only way to win it is by w8ing for 5min 1st level then press start then puppy wont get shot. Level 2 w8 10 min basically that it
Its a pretty pointless game tho.....
you have to shoot it a lot and eventually it will die just dont get killed first.
There are 15 Levels.......
you have to shoot the arrows
shoot the person with the gun then quickly shoot the guy running away.
ok heres 2 ways to kill him beat him/her idk i never played it i think you beat him up and shoot him up shoot him in the head
click start and dont move the mouse.
find him and shoot him with acorns but dont let him jump on you and you should not jump on him
you have to shoot it a lot and eventually it will die just dont get killed first.
There are 15 Levels.......
you shoot him
some shoot far and some dont so they all dont shoot the same length
You shoot it.
shoot him
you dont shoot at a nest you jump into it
Feed it to your Rotweiller.
Yes you can shoot them. but first ask them why they are following you and if they dont answer you, then you shoot them.