If you started out with squirlte level it up until it learns buble. Catch a mankey and teach it figthing moves. Or level uo a bulbasaur until learns a few grass move. Charmander you need to work really hard. No matter what keep some potions with you. Please comment on my message borad on how it goes. I remember the ifrst time i beat brock. If you dont want to its all right. Good luck
after you beat brock in pewter gym
After you've beaten Brock go beat the other six leaders then you can fight Blue
after you beat the fire gym then walk out and your rival will give it to you.
Yes. First you have to beat the Elite Four in both games, then do the stuff for Bill in FireRed
Brock isn't in Diamond and Pearl. He is in another game but i forgot which one it was. Hes in Pokemon LeafGreen and FireRed as the frist gym leader and there he got geodude and onix
I believe one of Professor Oak's aides gives you them after you beat Brock and are exiting the city to the east.
after you beat brock in pewter gym
go to cerulian city
meet him and beat him
Brock's Gym is located in pewter city. He owns rock type Pokemon so use a water or fight type Pokemon in your battle.
beat the Pokemon league
Catch all the Pokemon!
beat the elite four and the champion.
nuke em
After you've beaten Brock go beat the other six leaders then you can fight Blue
they are always the same Pokemon :):):):):)
after you beat the fire gym then walk out and your rival will give it to you.