By making all his pokemons fainted.
Lol at the guy before me. There are three ways:
1) Type Trump. Simple. High level grass and electric, flying for the part grass. Easy stuff.
2) Use stats to your advantage. E.g. Milotic has high sp. deffense, so sweep it with physical attacks.
3) Bash out your Lv70 Rayquaza. He's awesome but that's really nooby.
...... stewen in emerald isn't a elite champion. there is wallace.
he is the champion in emerald
talk to Wallace
you get it at cave of origin but you have to beat the gym leader of sootopolis city to use it on the waterfall to ever grande city
200 Pokemon is all the emerald Pokemon to get more beat elite four and get national dex
...... stewen in emerald isn't a elite champion. there is wallace.
You have to beat his party. Afterwards, you will be inducted into the hall of fame.
Wallace is the champion of the elite four in Pokemon emerald
he is the champion in emerald
He is the champion at the Pokemon league.
He became the champion.
Usually they have it at Gamestop. Do not get it in a online store! They could have fake Pokemon games like mine which always deletes after you beat the champion Wallace. Pokemon Emerald costs up to $40 because it a bit rare now.
how to beat Pokemon emerald
talk to Wallace
none. In emerald, it's just where you find wallace. kyogre
He is the Pokemon League Champion.
yes you probably can