You just beat the game
You technically cannot "beat" it, as it is an arcade game. Beat all the high scores and then you can consider the game beat.
get all nanos and beat fuse
Ha ha ha. that's not until the end of the game. you have to beat the game to get it. and to beat the game, you got ta beat GANON. iv done that already. im pritty much a master at that game.
u beat it by beating the game
A Sagittarian is a person whose birthdate falls under the Sagittarius star sign.
Snoops - 1989 The Sagittarian Candidate 1-7 was released on: USA: 11 November 1989
Not so good.
I know she's a Sagittarian. December 1960
You just beat the game
you beat Guhnashes three brain and then you beat the game
yeah pretty much you will beat the game after you or me beat red..... BY:Ashaunty Scott
Mary was born December 8, 1542. She was a Sagittarian.
You have to beat 16 gym leaders and beat elite 4 in kanto and johto to beat the game.
you beat this game by trying to get a secret note by darkras perants
Beat the game 1x (challenge 08): Razark Beat the game 2x (challenge 08): Howler Beat the game 3x (challenge 08): Angkara Beat the game 4x (challenge 08): Flarix Beat the game 5x (challenge 08): Crabot & Gaboom
You technically cannot "beat" it, as it is an arcade game. Beat all the high scores and then you can consider the game beat.