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Shauntal's a pushover. A special formation, with a Bisharp for Cofagrigus (Doubly Resistant), a Ducklett with Mirror Move for Jellicent (It can imitate Energy Ball), and Jellicent for Chandelure and Golurk (Jellicent's type combo = Super-Effective against both Chandelure and Golurk). Next, for Grimsley. Use the fighting type! Try an Unfezant or a Sawk or something against Scrafty! Krookodile is pummeled by Virizion. Try a Crustle for Liepard. For Bisharp? Try Terrakion! Not only does Terrakion take normal damage from Flying (Aerial Ace), but one of its types does 4x the damage to a Bisharp! Caitlin: Got a Psychic-type or a Grass-type? Reuniclus's moves won't hit very effectively on a Grass-Psychic type! A Leavanny has maximal effectiveness for damage with Psychic on Reuinclus (Bug resists Focus Blast, Grass resists Energy Ball and Thunder). Haxorus works as well! Gothitelle and Musharna? Krookodile. Sigilyph? Ducklett. (Breed Mirror Move on it. It can imitate Sigilyph's weaknesses!) For Marshal? Try using a Reuniclus or something! A Female with Attract! These Formations will take 'em down! KirbyRider out!

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Q: How do you beat The Pokemon league the first time in Pokemon black?
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